Christian Nuclear Fellowship
Email Vic Uotinen



Meeting at American Nuclear Society events since 1976
The Christian Nuclear Fellowship (CNF) is an informal, interdenominational group of evangelical Christians who work in the field of nuclear science
and technology and who want to encourage each other to faithfully follow Jesus Christ in both their private and public lives (including in their professional activities).
Thank you for visiting our web site.



Advisory Committee







The Christian Nuclear Fellowship



The Christian Nuclear Fellowship (CNF) is an informal, interdenominational group of evangelical Christians who work in various capacities in the field of nuclear science and technology. We are a group of professional colleagues united by our faith in Christ as our Lord and Savior, and in our acceptance of the basic truths of historic, biblical Christianity as expressed, for example, in the Apostles’ Creed. The CNF is not affiliated with any particular denomination or church. We share a commitment to the core of historic Christianity – to what C. S. Lewis called “Mere Christianity.” (See for example, Anyone who shares these historic, biblical views and is in agreement with the purposes stated below, may consider himself/herself a “member” of the CNF. We believe that God is the Creator of the universe, which includes all nuclei, as well as radioactivity and nuclear energy, which we should therefore consider to be His good gifts to mankind.  We count it a privilege to be involved professionally in investigating and harnessing this source of God-given energy and making it available to benefit humankind, in a safe and responsible way. We are also committed to bearing witness to Christ (by word and deed) in both our private and public lives, including our professional lives. The CNF was founded in November of 1976 in Washington, DC, when an initial group of 30 colleagues met during the Winter Meeting of the American Nuclear Society (ANS). With the help and encouragement of several others, Vic Uotinen, an ANS member since 1966, initiated the group shortly after that 1976 meeting, and has served as the Coordinator of CNF activities since that time.


Believing that Christ is Lord of every aspect of our lives, our purpose is to encourage each other to live out our Christian faith day-by-day and to apply Christian principles, Christian ethics, and a Christian worldview in all aspects of our personal and professional lives. In this way, by faithfully serving and following Christ, we endeavor to serve as effective witnesses to the gospel and agents of transformation not only in our families and our communities, but also in our places of work and within our profession, and indeed, throughout the world. We carry out this purpose of encouraging each other in these things through national meetings that we conduct twice each year and by publishing occasional literature related to integrating our faith with our work as nuclear technology professionals.

The CNF is one of many professional and academic fellowship networks that connect Christian colleagues within various professions and encourage Christian professionals to seek to apply Christian ethics and Christian principles in the practice of their professions. See for example the listing of such groups at InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s web site for Christian Professional and Academic Societies ( The InterVarsity web site also contains links to other useful resources related to living as Christians in the marketplace.


The CNF meets twice a year (as it has since it inception in 1976) in conjunction with the regular (summer and winter) ANS national meetings ( During each ANS national meeting, the CNF sponsors (1) a Monday evening group meeting for discussion, fellowship and prayer; and (2) a Wednesday morning prayer breakfast. Please contact the CNF (see contact information below) to obtain a report on recent CNF meetings or to obtain information about the next scheduled meetings.


The CNF has published a series of brochures containing professional interviews of scientists and engineers who have been active in the American Nuclear Society. In these fliers, some of our colleagues tell of their work as nuclear professionals and also of their faith in Christ – and how they endeavor to integrate the two. Copies of fliers published to date can be obtained by contacting the CNF either by mail or by e-mail. We are in the process of creating a web site, and plan to make the various interviews (and other materials) accessible on line. We hope to continue adding to this series of CNF interview fliers in the months and years ahead.


The CNF Advisory Committee has the following membership:

Hans Toffer Westinghouse-Hanford (retired)
Rob Hayes Washington TRU Solutions LLC
Ben Cross Department of Energy
Jim Hardeman GA Environmental Protection Division
Nolan Hertel Georgia Tech
Carl Mazzola The Shaw Group
Andrea Pepper Georgia Perimeter College
Charley Rombough CTR Technical Services
Bonnie Rumble NISYS Corp
Howard Shaffer Consultant (Past Congressional Fellow)
Alan E. Waltar PNNL (and Past President of the ANS)
R. E. (Bob) Wilson Department of Energy
V. O. (Vic) Uotinen AREVA (Retired) – CNF Coordinator


Questions about the CNF or requests for additional information may be addressed by e-mail to ; or by postal mail to 73 Oakland Circle, Lynchburg, VA 24502.

"The CNF thanks Gary Duarte and US Nuclear Energy for kindly hosting the launching of this website."

Send mail to Vic Uotinen with questions or comments about this website.
Copyright © 2008, 2016 Christian Nuclear Fellowship
Last modified: 12/10/16