The story behind bias news stories in Nevada about the

Las Vegas Review Journal, critical of the
Trump Yucca Mountain restart budget.

02-15-18 e.g. Gary Martin, story, LVRJ Washington bureau.

Link to our full dialogue: "Trump budget contains $120M to restart licensing of Yucca Mountain"

I parsed a story in the Las Vegas Review Journal on 02-12-18 written by Mr. Gary Martin, Washington Bureau. I found the newspaper article biased toward the Trump budget on Yucca Mountain. This is what I wrote him.

Mr. Martin, it is really an injustice to the Nevada citizens that your newspaper will not publish an op-ed to Nevada?s Yucca Mountain obstructionist politics. Shame on the media institutions of this country. You have an awesome record of misleading the grassroots population of Nevada. HE REPLIED:

Mr. Duarte, Thank you for taking the time to contact me. I appreciate the feedback. I've included everyone you cc'd on your note to me. While the issue is complex, I try to put as many voices and viewpoints in my stories. Nye County is represented, as well as a Senate candidate who sees reprocessing as a boon for Nevada. Overwhelmingly, the state and congressional delegation are opposed.

As far as your Op-Ed, a decision on that remains with the editorial board, of which I am not a member. The editorial board and the newsroom are separate entities. (They may be separate entities, but, Maybe the link below will clarify this)? Thank you for your feedback.

The Senate candidate purposefully left out is Danny Tarkanian, who supports the Yucca program in opposition to Senator Heller. Mr. Tarkanian has publically announced his support of the Yucca Repository as well as the development of a reprocessing facility. Yet, an ommission of his position in this "story"!

LVRJ editorial, "Yucca Mountain Politics Back in Full Swing"!

I consider it pointless to respond to the op-ed comment as I am doubtful that the LVRJ can produce a Yucca supporting op-ed.

My goal is to be fair and accurate, I do not advocate a position on this issue. I merely report on what occurs. I appreciate your time.

Thank you. Gary Martin

Sorry to disagree Mr. Martin, but, I think the facts I have pointed out, do establish that your news story is bias. This is nothing personal about you, but, simply a documentation that the media company you are employed by, at least in the Yucca context are bias.. I simply believe it is important that grassroots America be given a truthful balance of facts in a published story, rather than ?political opinion?. These are the reasons the public give media and politics VERY LOW RATINGS for accuracy.

I can also tell you that although you may not RECOGNIZE the US Nuclear Energy Foundation we are an established expert on the politics about Yucca Mountain with an extensive library of information. As you were writing your story, why did you not consider contacting our knowedebase? I have records of my prior contact with you. We have a MEDIA contact database with 95 national contacts and 68 Nevada contacts, all aware of the existence of USNEF. We have articles written in the nuclear publication, Power Magazine, presentations at several Communications Workshops at the American Nuclear Society, etc. Although your MEDIA industry may not identify USNEF, I can guarantee you that the nuclear industry organizations know who USNEF is and what our mission is and many Washington players.

Thanks for your dialogue, Gary Duarte