Our USNEF Report on the RADWASTE Summit!



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The links below will bring you to the summits as listed. Our mission is to extend the dialogue of these important summits to our grassroots public who are often misguided by politics and conventional media coverage of such technical events.

RADWASTE 2017, our USNEF report

2017 Yucca Mountain Restart Panel USNEF YouTube Video

Hundreds of key officials gather for ExchangeMonitor forums and conferences to exchange views and information among government officials, private industry executives, non-governmental organizations and other entities on critical national and international programs and policies.

Our USNEF mission it to engage industry events such as the Exchange Monitor, American Nuclear Society, Nuclear Energy Insider and the U.S. Nuclear Infrastructure Council to forward information from these organizations to our mission of grassroots outreach nationwide. At the same time we need the engagement of the nuclear industry to support our outreach mission and our programs.